The end of January 2020 was a significant event in the gaming industry. On this day, the release of Warcraft III: Reforged, complete, a...

The end of January 2020 was a significant event in the gaming industry. On this day, the release of Warcraft III: Reforged, complete, as stated by the publisher, rethinking the classic strategy in real-time. In fact, everything turned out to be so bad that Warcraft III: Reforged became the lowest-rated game on the Metacritic website. And, if 19 journalists somehow gave her an average score of up to 61, then the players turned out to be much more critical. Their joint rating is only 0.5 points. In her opinion, almost 24 thousand people deserve this strategy. While dissatisfied fans demand a refund, write negative reviews and rightly note that it was better before, we will talk about another no less sad examples, because there are other games, the release of which was a big disappointment.

A promising project from Bioware, published by Electronic Arts in the spring of 2019, raised questions for the players before the release. Some reminded that Bioware has no experience in developing online projects, that the studio is not going through the best of times, and why, take on new projects when they haven’t figured out the old ones? (players demand to fix the errors of the last Mass Effect). This did not stop the developers who continued to work, releasing beautiful trailers with a chic and big world that players had to explore, dressed in flying exoskeletons.
The promised modifications, change of weather, chic design and atmosphere of the game seem to have not gone away, but a huge number of bugs noticed by beta testers even before release prevented from enjoying it. The developers promised to fix everything by the release of Anthem, but could not. Terrifying brakes, sudden “crashes” from the game at the most interesting place in the midst of a battle with another giant monster, the risk of falling completely into the textures without the ability to load a saved game — all this is only a small part of the jambs.
After several patches, the game began to go much better over time, but it did not become more fun. To pass the same missions for the sake of the next loot or wander aimlessly through huge empty locations is a dubious pleasure, but they don’t add anything really new and interesting to the game, and it is not known whether they will. However, judging by the number of players, now Anthem content is of little interest to anyone.

Photo: Microsoft
The past part of Ghost Recon, released in 2017, turned out to be very good. Many fans were delighted with the return of the good old tactical series about special forces soldiers. Completely modern management, recognizable gameplay, imprisoned for the co-operative passage and other joys of joint combat operations unleashed Ubisoft's hands. The publisher decided to continue.
Questions arose for the game almost immediately. If the plot inconsistencies still somehow could close your eyes, laugh and forget about them at all, then other elements of the game too clearly spoiled the picture. It turned out that in the desire to make a cooperative action, the developers completely forgot about those who will be forced to play alone. The balance of the game for one person was completely unsettled, so it was possible to go through activities only with partners, the selection of which was broken, and the bots that could somehow fix the balance were not “delivered”.

Photo: Bethesda
The prequel of the series was supposed to be something unusual. The game was first made multiplayer, so Fallout fans were alarmed at the start of the game. Someone was waiting for a breakthrough, but most of the players were sceptical, rightly assuming that “Skyrim” began to sell poorly somewhere, since the developers started the multiplayer Fallout.
In fact, everything turned out to be even worse: asylum residents 76, those same players who bought a copy at the start completely refused to cooperate with each other. There was no NPC in the game, and players received broken tasks from machine guns. Few people wanted to pass the game in this state: literally, everything did not work in it. As a result, the offending gamers decided not to play it further, but there were also those who liked the post-apocalyptic deserts. The developers claim that a saving patch will be released, but the release date is not announced.

The main mistake Crackdown 3 was that its release dragged on for almost ten years. Yes, she could become a chic Xbox One exclusive, she exits at the start with the console, but not at the end of her life cycle. The game did not undergo much progress in comparison with the previous part, and the story campaign turned out to be very bland.
Graphics? Destructibility? Special effects? All this looked good at conferences and exhibitions, but after the release, it no longer caused violent emotions. At the end of the Xbox 360 cycle or with the release of the Xbox One, the game could become a good platform exclusive, which has a fashionable design, cool guns and destructible. Alas, even for an action movie as simple as three kopecks, Crackdown 3 turned out to be too straightforward and unicellular.

Unfortunately, most bad games remain that way. As a result, not only fans but also developers put an end to them. It's time to move on. Nevertheless, there are correct examples in the world that show us that not everything is so bad, and there are real heroes of the gaming industry in the world. Yes, we are talking about No Man's Sky, the “hit” of 2016, which then only lazy did not scold. People were waiting for the release of the game, anticipating an epic storyline, a journey through an endless universe, spectacular space battles and endless explorations of various new worlds, promising new meetings with new and completely unlike anything inhabitants. As a result, the whole essence of the game came down to collecting loot, pumping the ship and flying from one planet to another. Not the most exciting activity. Especially for those
And then everything would have ended, but the developers not only apologized to the fans who bought the game but also promised to fix it, eventually adding everything stated to the game. Since the release of the game, the game has changed dramatically, turning from a monotonous refuelling simulator in space into a diverse space history, inspired by the classic fiction of the last century and the childhood dreams of Sean Murray. Now the game simply doesn’t turn out to be called a bad language, and if it does, it’s only with an eye to what it was four years ago.