Content has become a kind of capital of companies. However, it is not quantity that determines market success, but rather quality.

Lots of interesting content, but little audience interest. This is one of the basic problems of companies that have focused on content marketing. What to do to make the published content constantly visible in the search engine - we suggest in the text.
Content - capital on the Internet
The unsatisfactory efficiency of recently standard advertising formats on the Internet has forced companies to look for new ways to reach customers. One of them, which has been experiencing a real boom on the Internet for some time now, is content marketing.
Companies realized that in the era of overload with classic advertising, only with the help of valuable content can attract customers' attention. Content has become a kind of capital of companies. However, it is not quantity that determines market success, but rather quality.
You can create a large amount of content, but when it does not meet the needs of the audience or is invisible in the search ranking, it is difficult to expect the expected results, regardless of the goals that the company has set itself. And these can be different, from the growing interest in the brand, through creating the desired brand image and ending with expanding the customer base.
Let yourself be found
Creating valuable content is a difficult art that requires many skills. Journalistic experience is not enough here. Content intended to attract the attention of users on the Internet must not only be well-edited but also written in such a way that the reader does not get the impression that the content is ordered.
However, creating content is one thing and another is promoting your content so that it is visible in search rankings. Although it must be remembered that already at the idea stage, you should bear in mind the expectations of the recipients and the chances of appearing in the search results.
It must be remembered that not only we will strive for the attention of customers in this way. The key to success is the optimization of content and its timeliness. Before you start writing, it is worth making a list of topics that may be of interest to our audience.
Content update - the key to success
Good visibility of content in the search engine depends on many factors, one of the most important is the timeliness of the materials. Recently, Google has favoured new content in search results, so you should constantly update old materials. Some content management systems offer the ability to change the date of already published articles.
However, for the operation to be successful, the title and headings must also be changed. Such a "recycled" article, even without changing the URL address, has a chance to reappear in the top positions on phrases related to the company's business profile. Many companies that use content marketing in their daily activities pay too little attention to already published content.
With just a little attention (redaction, modification, optimization, updating, etc.), the published content constantly generates customers for the company. You have to remember that the strength of the brand is based on the content already available on the websites.
The new ones, only in the distant or near future, can help a company appear in the search engine. It seems that the optimal strategy in content marketing is one that focuses on updating old content and links leading to it (the right proportion is 60-80% of the time to update the content, 20-40% of the time to create new content).
5 practical tips for updating your content:
Monitor the popularity of phrases related to the published texts on an ongoing basis - whether there are phrases related to the topic of the text that is able to generate better positions in the search results.
Check whether there is any new information in a given topic (new research results, new technical solutions, etc.) that can be added to the already published text and thus make it more current.
Optimize publication channels - it is worth checking on an ongoing basis whether there are any new (read: effective and attractive) platforms on which you can publish already published content in a slightly modified form.
Do not stop promoting the already published content - texts should be constantly strengthened with new links, optimizing the structure of internal links and eliminating inactive links. Sometimes the return of an article to the first position in the news on a company website or corporate blog is enough for the text to reappear in the top positions in search results.
Go back to old content on social media - old wine in new bottles - is a tactic that should guide companies on social networks. You have to remember that just as wine gets better with time, some texts gain new meaning over time and meet with greater resonance than they had after the first publication.
Updating the content, through recycling, new redaction, modification or supplementing with new information is the key to success in content marketing.