There's lots of anecdotal evidence that shows the effectiveness of CBD oil in dogs, cats, and horses.
As with any health and wellness trends today, it's no surprise that they become the talk of the town after they have proven their effectiveness. One of these is CBD oil, proving itself to be a miraculous cure that helps pain disappear.
If you want to know more about this, then this article is for you. One of the helpful links that you can visit is to learn more about the oil extract. As long as you have gotten the right product, you can rest assured that this oil will be effective in curing arthritis and back pain that your furry friend is experiencing.
What is CBD Oil?
CBD oil is a compound found in hemp plants. Even if it's extracted from the plants related to the cannabis family, it's still important to differentiate cannabidiol from marijuana. For one, the substance extracted from specific cannabis species like hemp contains less than 0.3% of THC, one of the active compounds in marijuana.
Tetrahydrocannabinol is the one responsible for the psychoactive effects that marijuana can cause to its users. With this psychoactive effect, the brain's cognitive functions are affected, and you can rest assured that your pet won't experience this.
This is because the concentrated amount of THC in weed is more than 30% which is enough to cause adverse effects to the users. While 0.3% is negligible and the tiny amount of THC can even enhance the effects of CBD on your pet's body.
How Cannabidiol Affects Canines?
Today, there were no formal studies and published results about how CBD affects dogs. What the researchers know so far is that the cannabinoids from the plants interact with your pets' ECS or endocannabinoid system. The ECS has a series of receptors located at the peripheral and central nervous system, helping maintain homeostasis in the body.
If homeostasis or balance is achieved, it can result in a stronger immune system, and your dog does not have any ailments. He will be in a healthier state as well. You can read more info about homeostasis when you click here.
Issues that the Cannabidiol Oil Can Treat
There's lots of anecdotal evidence that shows the effectiveness of CBD in dogs, cats, and horses. Some owners suggested that they have noticed significant improvements in seizures, anxiety, arthritis, and lack of appetite when they have started administering the oil to their pets.
CBD is commonly used to improve circulatory systems, stimulate appetite, impact anti-anxiety, and the possibility of anti-cancer. Although no conclusive data is still available, many pets have already experienced the benefits of CBD on top of their medications.
There are sponsoring studies currently underway made by Biomedical Sciences and other Veterinary Medicine universities to evaluate the effects of cannabidiol on epileptic dogs resistant to treatment. Many researchers are hoping that they can gain significant insight into these conditions and the use of cannabidiol in canines.
How to Choose CBD Products?

1. Decide what Form of Product Do You Want for your Pet
One thing that you need to consider is the form of cannabidiol that you want to use. Manufacturers today can provide CBD in the form of drops, treats, creams, tinctures, and pills made for dogs. Read more about them and get help from experts whenever necessary.
If your canine has arthritis, you may want to get creams that can alleviate symptoms and redness. If you wish for effects that appear after a few minutes, you can choose tinctures that can be applied under your pet's tongue.
Typically, many pet parents mix the oil extracts with their canine's favorite food, so the grassy flavor won't be too obvious. Others purchase treats available in many shops, and they are already infused with beef or chicken flavors.
Whatever the products that you decide to give to your furry friend, make sure that they can be easily absorbed into the system. Consult the veterinarian for more information.
2. Consider Products with no THC
THC can produce adverse effects on your canine. You need an oil extract containing less than 0.3% or 0% of this compound. However, studies suggest that when you combine cannabidiol with THC, you'll get a more effective product that can produce an entourage effect.
The effect mentioned activates when flavonoids, terpenes, phytocannabinoids, and a little bit of THC combine to enhance the effects of THC. Know that only a minimal amount of THC or less than 0.3% is enough to produce and improve the therapeutic effects of cannabidiol.
What you need are products that came from hemp extracts. They don't have THC, and they are widely available in stores. Before buying anything, always check the labels. Many are made from hemp, but some don't simply have any CBD on them. Look for certificate analysis results and laboratory tests to determine the amount of cannabidiol contained inside the product.
Other Things to Know
If you have a picky pet when it comes to food, you may want them to try the bacon-flavored drops first. The organic treats may have pumpkin, peanut butter, sweet potato, steak, chicken, and blueberries that are all made with canines in mind.
Some of the products' active ingredients may make your pet energetic, and others can make them relax well. These products may vary, and some are made for larger dogs. Make sure to ask the manufacturers and chat with them first before getting their products.