We have compiled a selection of excellent science fiction films that not all fans of the genre have heard of. COMMUNICATION / COHERENC...

We have compiled a selection of excellent science fiction films that not all fans of the genre have heard of.

Communication is a simple science fiction, but it can easily “blow up the brain” of an unprepared viewer. The film has a limited budget, which does not affect the degree of suspense. The director's debut, James Ward Birkit, was shot, for the most part, in one location, and his acquaintances and friends starring. But this does not prevent the “Connection” is extremely exciting and simple to talk about concepts such as “Schrodinger cat” and “multiverse.”
“Connections” do not need expensive special effects, a large team or billions of dollars to keep the viewer in constant tension and to be one of the best popular science films of our time.

Bio-futuristic horror "Annihilation" without rental in theaters immediately went to Netflix. To some critics and viewers, the movie seemed too complicated, while others were delighted.
A team of women scientists led by Lina (Natalie Portman) is sent to the flickering anomalous zone. The zone formed in the United States after a meteorite fall and is gradually expanding, capturing more and more space. In Twinkle, the expedition meets strange animal hybrids and mutated plants.
At first, the film seems like standard sci-fi horror, but gradually the story turns into a complex philosophical parable, which is understandable to not everyone.

The film Beloved combines two seemingly incompatible genres: science fiction and melodrama. A married couple consults a therapist to save a marriage. Having tried all the methods, the doctor suggests the spouses go on vacation to a secluded place. There, a strange thing begins to happen.
History smoothly moves from philosophical melodrama to a tense psychological thriller. The instant of transition is practically elusive.

The climate change experiment failed, life on earth is destroyed by the new Ice Age, and the remnants of humanity are forced to endlessly ride in a circle on a giant train in order not to freeze. The fact is that the plot is based not on the horrors of the post-apocalypse, but on the hierarchy and class structure formed inside the locomotive. The "elite" lives in the head of the train, and the "scum" lives in the tail. But twenty years later, a rebel (Chris Evans) appears who is planning a revolution.
“Through the Snow” is a bewitching parable about social injustice from the director of the Oscar-winning “Parasites”.

The "Special Midnight Issue" was not noticed by the mass audience, although the film is very similar to the series "Very Strange Things" beloved by everyone. The father learns that his son has supernatural powers, and tries to protect him from the religious sect and government.

“Stay in my shoes” is a really weird non-fiction indie film. In it, Scarlett Johansson is an alien creature that preys on men in Scotland. The film surprises with visuals but is not suitable for those who are waiting for interesting dialogs and a complex plot with a bunch of twists.

The sci-fi horror Living is released in the same year as Alien: Testament. In the confrontation of films with similar themes won, of course, “Alien”. "Living" went unnoticed for the mass audience, despite the star cast (Ryan Reynolds, Jake Gyllenhaal) and a great story.
A group of scientists discovered life on Mars, and this "life" turned out to be something sinister. Heroes have to fight not only with a hostile creature but also with their human vices and weaknesses.